Information in English
Dear internationals,
Thank you for showing interest in our beautiful sport and club in Utrecht! Domstad Devils is the biggest lacrosse club in the Netherlands and has a growing number of non-Dutch speaking members. Unfortunately (most of) the website is still in Dutch, but this page will give you the most important information in English. If you have any questions, please send an email to our secretary. If you would like to become a member you can find the registration form at the bottom of the page or here.
Lacrosse is the fastest sport on two feet! It is a team sport played with a small hard ball made of rubber and a stick with a mesh (strings). The sport originally comes from the native Americans and is nowadays most popular on the east coast of the USA and Canada. Lacrosse is played on a field of approximately the size of a soccer field. You catch and throw the ball with the mesh of your stick. In a game, each team has ten players: a goalie, 3 defenders, 3 middies and 3 attackers. In attack the goal is to shoot the ball with your stick in the goal of the other’s team. For defence, the goal is to prevent the other team from scoring in your goal and to win over the ball again. Practicing lacrosse will make your body fit and is very good for your hand-eye coordination and footwork!
The rules of lacrosse are not the same for women and men. The sports differ mostly in body contact and protection gear. Men’s lacrosse is a contact sport and men are therefore wearing a lot of body protection (e.g. helmets, gloves and toque). Women’s lacrosse is more about tactics and speed and has rules to prevent body contact. The only body protection that women have to wear is a mouthguard, but goggles are advised.
Box lacrosse is a different version of the sport and is played with 6 players inside a sports hall. Box lacrosse is currently growing in popularity among (both female and male) lacrosse players in the Netherlands.
Domstad Devils
Domstad Devils is the biggest lacrosse club of the Netherlands and is located in its middle: Utrecht (Manitobadreef 4, 3565CH). Apart from a lacrosse club, the Domstad Devils is an association where many other activities are organised (e.g. other sport activities, drinks and parties). Although we have many student members, it is not a student association, so many members are working and some are still at high school. Domstad Devils (and lacrosse Netherlands) is a close community where a lot of friendships (and sometimes even relationships) are made.
At the moment we have four teams: Women 1 and 2, Men 1 and 2. Once you are a member, there is always the opportunity to grow. Every year Women 1 and Men 1 are organising try-out practices for anyone who is interested in joining the first league.
Interested in trying out lacrosse?
Are you interested in trying out this amazing sport? Or have you already played lacrosse at another club and would you like to meet the Domstad Devils? Join one of our practices!
Sometimes we organise clinics or open practices especially for people who are new to lacrosse. The biggest event for new players is called the LIP (lacrosse introduction period) and is organised every year in September. But you can also always join a normal practice. Everyone can join a practice 3 times for free, before having to pay the membership fee. Please let our secretary know when you want to join a practice, so we can inform the trainer.
What to bring to your first practice?
Great that you are joining us for practice! Please bring your sports clothes and sports shoes. Best is to wear shoes with (hockey or soccer) studs or cleats. Women should also bring a mouthguard. A stick can be borrowed from the club. You can buy a mouthguard at most sport stores or you can buy one for 5 euros at the club. Please let us know if you would like to buy one at the club, and come a bit earlier because you have to tailor it to your mouth-shape. Men can borrow a stick and gear from the club.
Practice times
Practices Men 1 & 2, Women 1
Tuesday: 19:30-21.30 on grass
Thursday: 19.30-21.30 on grass
Practices Women 2
Tuesday: 19:30-21.00 on grass
Thursday: 19.30-21.00 on grass
Membership Domstad Devils
Would you like to become a member? Great! Please fill in this form or send a mail to our secretary.
A full membership is 260 euros (practice twice a week and competition games). If you do not want to play games, you can also choose to become a practice only member, this costs you 188,50 euros. If you are a full-time student, you pay 220 euros. At the moment we do not have a youth team. Please contact us if you would like to discuss your options when you are younger than 18 (some young players are currently joining the men and women teams).